Fundamentals of Testing with TestRail (A01)
Fundamentals of Testing with TestRail (A01)

Learn the fundamentals of testing with TestRail. This course is intended for new TestRail users and covers the basics of using TestRail to build and optimize your testing processes—from test design to test planning and execution.

Administration & Customization (A02)
Administration & Customization (A02)
Customize TestRail to fit your workflow (not the other way around). This course is intended for administrators and covers best practices in user management, customizations, and integrations with issue trackers, test automation, and CI/CD tools.
TestRail Reports & Analytics (A03)
TestRail Reports & Analytics (A03)

Reporting is as important as running tests. In this course, you will learn how TestRail can help you in visualizing test data in real-time and how to use report templates to check test coverage and traceability.

Advanced Testing with TestRail Enterprise (A04)
Advanced Testing with TestRail Enterprise (A04)
Learn how to use Enterprise features to scale QA processes, increase visibility, and identify product risk more quickly, while maintaining security and compliance. Complete the course and receive a certificate.
Test Automation & TestRail (B01)
Test Automation & TestRail (B01)

Learn how you can integrate your automation framework with TestRail. Live within one tool to assess the progress and quality of testing, no matter your tech stack.

Agile testing with TestRail (B02)
Agile testing with TestRail (B02)

Agile software development is a challenge for testers, but if you understand the principles and plan properly, it may be the solution. This short course is an introduction and a guide to help you streamline your Agile testing adoption.

TestRail & Jira (B03)
TestRail & Jira (B03)
This course shows how you can build an efficient testing process, track coverage, and build comprehensive traceability between development and QA using Jira and TestRail.
Testing in Regulated Industries (B04)
Testing in Regulated Industries (B04)
Industries subject to regulation and compliance standards come with unique challenges and considerations for QA professionals. In this short course, learn more about confidently and securely testing within regulated industries.
Integration with the TestRail CLI (B05)
Integration with the TestRail CLI (B05)
With the TRCLI you can focus on writing test code instead of needing to write, test, and maintain API calls in every test script to send your automated test results to TestRail.
Billing & Account Management (B09)
Billing & Account Management (B09)
The TestRail Customer Portal is the customer interface used to manage your TestRail purchasing details, such as your license key, viewing your monthly fees, invoices, as well as contact details.

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